November Social - Family Friendly Bowling at SUPERPLAY*
Come join us for a fun night of bowling at SuperPlay in Beaverton. All ages are welcome. We will be collecting non-perishable foods to donate to a local organization at this event.
Come join us for a fun night of bowling at SuperPlay in Beaverton. All ages are welcome. We will be collecting non-perishable foods to donate to a local organization at this event.
4th Annual Building Bridges of Understanding in Our Communities: Confronting Hate
Location: Muslim Educational Trust (Tigard)
KAC Oregon has been a sponsor and a participant in the Building Bridges summit for the last 3 years. Building Bridges brings together representatives of public safety, government, faith, community organizations, and community members to strengthen the bonds of trust between us and the communities we serve.
In 2017, the summit focused on implicit bias and its impact on community safety.
In 2018, we explored the data surrounding racial disparities in our communities, and the impact of actions taken to remove these disparities in our institutions of justice.
This year, we are united in our efforts to improve how we prevent, respond to and seek justice for traumatic incidents and criminal acts motivated by hate and bigotry.
Event is FREE, but registration is required. KAC Oregon can register up to 5 attendees.
Register here and please email us that you registered at We need to confirm that you are a member of KAC Oregon to attend.
Lunch will be guaranteed for those who register before October 18, 2019.
This year the Oregon Chapter of the Korean American Coalition (KAC) has the honor of hosting the National Convention. This is an annual event that gathers members and guests from all over the country with the goal of providing a platform for discussion, networking and community building. Workshops and speakers will focus on topics spanning immigration, career development, generational differences and multicultural identity and experience.
For the first time, this convention will feature and be open to members of many diverse communities in addition to the Korean American community. Not only will you be able to network and interact with likeminded people, you’ll also be able to expand your mind by listening to new and different viewpoints. Join us for an engaging weekend of conversation and celebration as we work to address the issues facing our communities today. Through productive discussions of shared pasts and hopeful futures, there is no limit to the change we can affect in our future as multicultural Americans.
Event passes are available for purchase here. The draft convention program is also available.
We also have need based scholarship opportunities for community organizers, college and graduate students, and recent graduates. Please contact for more details or apply here.
"Mukja" Portland Korean Food Festival is an event created and organized by KAC Oregon's board last year. This fun event is wildly popular and sells out in advance. We expect the second festival on August 28th to again sell out and hope to introduce new flavors and delicious traditional and modern Korean cuisine to our Portland community and beyond.
Some of the sponsors who have graciously donated money and products are Travel Portland, The Society Hotel, Lucky Foods (Seoul Kimchi), The Portland Mercury, and Korean Consulate Office in Seattle. If you are interested in sponsoring or know any business or people who could be our sponsors, please contact us at
Please help spread the word about this amazing event!
Summer in Portland is beautiful and time to be outside and enjoying the sun. This month's social is co-hosted by our generous Portland Korean Food Festival sponsor, The Society Hotel. Grab a drink on your own at the lobby bar and come upstairs to the rooftop. We will provide food and a great company.
If you are interested in volunteering at the upcoming Portland Korean Food Festival, please join us to learn more about how you can get involved.
Spend a few hours with us and help Oregon Food Bank to fend off hunger for many families in Oregon. Oregon Food Bank's Mission is to eliminate hunger and its root causes....because no one should be hungry.
The whole family (kids ages 6 and up) can join us for our KAC Oregon community service day to repack and label bulk dry food in a fun, active environment. You will be repacking foods like rice, pasta, apples, or potatoes into family-sized packages.
To sign up and to secure a spot for this activity, you MUST sign up here at the Oregon Food Bank site.
Please create an account (or log in if you have volunteered before with Oregon Food Bank) to be added to our group. It only takes a minute!
Every volunteer, regardless of age, needs to register. If you are signing up family members, you must first log out of your account before using the link to register others. You may use one email address for multiple people.
Don't forget to sign up to make sure you get a spot. It only takes a minute! Hope to see you there!
Did you know about the National Korean-American Day?
Korean American Day, which passed unanimously in both the Senate and the House in 2005, honors the contributions of the Korean American community to the U.S. and also commemorates the arrival of 102 pioneering Korean immigrants on January 13, 1903.
Join us for a special celebration for Korean Americans in Oregon on Saturday, January 9th at Portland Central Church in Beaverton. We will have a proclamation by the Oregon Governor's Office followed by a singing contest open to the public. Prizes include a roundtrip ticket to Seoul, Korean, a large screen TV, and an iPad.
Bring your friends and family for this fun community event. Dinner generously provided by H Mart.
Portland Central Church at 6275 SW Hall Blvd., Beaverton OR 97008