National College Leadership Conference (NCLC) Scholar: Alys Chang

Each month KAC OR will highlight each of the students and their experience at the conference and provide an opportunity for them to share a little about themselves and their experience. October's spotlight is on Alys Chang, a student at Lewis and Clark College.

"My name is Alys Chang and I am from Sunnyvale, California. I go to school at Lewis and Clark College in beautiful Portland, Oregon. I am in my second year and majoring Political Science.

NCLC was like nothing I have ever experienced in my life. Going into this event, I did not think much of it. But I was very wrong. Not only did I meet so many amazing professionals, I was able to to talk about how being Korean American can effect my professional life. I was able to talk about my identity with people that were able to relate more than most of my other peers."

Thank you, Alys, for sharing about yourself and your experiences at NCLC! Best of luck as you embark on your journey!
